Лю Шунгуанг


Лю Шунгуанг (Lu Shunguang) по прозвищу Генри Лю.

Родился:9 июля 1966 года


1998-2001 Master of Business Management (MBA), Dept. of Business Management, China People’s University

1992-1993 PhD student, Dept. of Soil and Water Conservation, Beijing Forestry University

1986-1989 Master of Affestation in the Loess Plateau, Dept. of Soil and Water Conservation, Beijing Forestry University

1982-1986 Bachel of Seabuckthorn Biological Research, Dept. of Soil and Water Conservation, Beijing Forestry University

Основные публикации:

LU Shunguang et. al.,Seabuckthorn breed and variety improvement for economic and ecological purposes,International Seabuckthorn Research and Development, J.,No.1 Vol.3, 2005

LU Shunguang et. al., The present and prospective of seabuckthorn genetic resources collection and utilization,International Seabuckthorn Research and Development, J.,No.2 Vol.2, 2004

LU Shunguang et. al.,Seabuckthorn breeding for the purpose of leave utilization,Proceeding of the First International Seabuckthorn Association Conference, Germany,2003

LU Shunguang et. al.,“China seabuckthorn research and development for the 21th century, Proceeding of the 5th International Seabuckthorn Symposium, India,2001

LU Shunguang, Project management f ecological environment in China,Dessertation of MBA, the People’s University, Beijing,2000

LU Shunguang et. al., Strategic Utilization of Seabuckthorn in China,Seabuckthorn Research, J.,Vol. 1, No.1 1998.12

LU Shunguang et. al., Comprehensive Exploitation and Utilization of Seabuckthorn, Seabuckthorn Research, J. Vol.1, No.1


Фото - ISA Conference, Qinghai, China, 2011.






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